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Venture Scouts 

Venture Scouts range from 15 to 17 years of age. The programme involves a wide variety of exciting and adventurous activities, where the Venture Scouts themselves are responsible for designing, planning and implementing their activities. From Beach BBQ’s to white water rafting to building snow caves on a winter expedition in the Alps, the programme is limited only by the young person’s imagination.

In Venture Scouts the young person takes full ownership of the programme, and they decide what they will do, when they will do it and how it will be done. In doing this they are supported and advised by a dedicated team of Venture Scouters, whose role is to guide and mentor the Venture Scouts as they develop their skills in planning and organisation.

Venture Scouts work in small sub-groups called Crews which come together to plan and organise specific activities. Some of these activities will involve all of the Unit and some will involve only Venture Scouts with similar interests. One Crew might take on the Four Peaks Challenge while another Crew might want to put on a stage show. The Crew system allows for a wide variety of interests to be explored.

But it doesn’t stop there. Venture Scouting involves meeting and interacting with Venture Scouts from all around the country. National Events such as Trizone give Units the opportunity to test their skills to the limit while at the same time getting to hang out with new people of their own age.

So, do you …

Want adventure?

Crave new skills?

Want to make a difference?

Time for some action!


Interested ??


Get in Contact Now - You wont regret it. 

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Pride of Place

July 27, 2016

Display created by Aaron O Dwyer & Amy-Louise Moore for the Pride of Place visit earlier this month. Huge thanks to Amy, Aaron, Evan O'Dwyer & Denis Madden who flew the flag for Murroe Scouts in the community hall and who stuck around in case they could help in any other way. Also to Fiona Madigan who camped out in the community field, lying in wait of the judges! Keep your fingers crossed in November, when the winners of Pride of Place will be announced.

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